Picoworkers allow you to make money online with micro jobs. It is very simple to use and you can earn by doing a lot of micro tasks as sign up, app download, follow social accounts and more.you can earn from a lot of micro tasks as view some webs, subscribe, follow download, post, comment, write reviews, and more. There are no special requirements only, some social accounts but it deepens on jobs you take. Jobs usually take few minutes to complete, but you also have the option of ongoing jobs where you can apply for more complex jobs but you need to get approved. The more time you spend on the site the more you gain but with an hour or two on each day you can make 4-5 usd easy.
Picoworkers is a two way platform. Once you set up an account, you can both perform small tasks for money, or pay people to do micro-tasks for you.
For example, if you were keen to get more people to follow your social media accounts, or to join the mailing list for your blog, you could pay them to do so.